Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Friday!

I know, this is such an odd day of the week for me to write a blog. I've been meaning to all week, though, so here I am.

I've been drinking AT LEAST 8 cups of water a day, as well as working out at least once.
It snowed non-stop last night so we had a good several inches for me to shovel, complimenting my morning workout.

My WoW time card ran out two days ago! It's difficult since my current guild has just begun raiding on their own, but I'm determined not to play until I get into good habits.

I've been going to sleep around 10pm every night, waking up varies but it's always in the morning! Yesterday it was 8am, today it was 6 or 7. (yea, I can't remember after working all of these muscles)

So my sleep schedule is pretty much set, my water intake is decent, my posture is improving, and to top it all off I FEEL GREAT!

I have decided to turn my Twitter account into a continuation of my blog. I will update throughout the day with what I've been doing or what I am about to do, just to stay on track.

As stated in my last entry, I received many workout utensils. Well, let me tell you what they are.

  • Yoga Mat
  • The Biggest Loser - Boot Camp (dvd)
  • The Biggest Loser - Weight Loss Yoga (dvd)
  • The Biggest Loser - Cardio (dvd), AND
  • The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook!
I'm beyond excited to use these new items to the fullest!

Yesterday I did level 1 yoga, it felt amazing!
Today, I started my day with Level 1 Boot Camp. It was rough but I made it through and it has pushed me to continue the day with shoveling all of this snow!

So with these three DVDs, I plan to space them out. Here is my schedule for a week.

  • Monday - Yoga &/or Cardio
  • Tuesday - Boot Camp
  • Wednesday - Yoga & Cardio
  • Thursday - Boot Camp
  • Friday - Yoga & Cardio
  • Saturday - Boot Camp
  • Sunday - Rest & Church
If there is any concern about my schedule, please either leave me a comment, email me, or contact me on twitter.
Seeing other people lose weight by going to the gym every single day had inspired me to workout every single day, therefor I must try!
Since it is already Friday, I am going to wait until Sunday to start this schedule (seeing as how I did boot camp today and it's friday!) Don't worry thought, I'm still going to work out tomorrow! I still need to test out the Cardio video, anyway.

My Twitter is @missy192 for those of you dedicated enough to follow me.
Or perhaps you just need as much motivation as me, and want to push yourself as hard as I do.

With all that being said! I'll see you all next week.

Stay Healthy!
Duck on a Mission

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy New Year! WOW!!! I haven't posted since November of 2011.
Now that just shows you exactly how motivated I've been.

My last entry, I was struggling with a breakup as well as a severe case of depression caused from other stresses. I was more enlightened sitting on my butt, watching T.V. rather than working out or eating properly.

Eating properly in this house is difficult, I'm not going to lie. In an American household, you grow up around all of these wonderful tasting foods and you grow addicted to, well, filth!

I'm still disgusted with how easily I've been caving. I've counted calories long enough to the point where I can stop writing every little thing down. I'm pretty good at guessing how many calories certain items are. I was healthy for such a long period of time that I could taste every little ingredient in a product, that I used to love, and I would be disgusted by it.

It's time to turn a new leaf. It's time to cut back on these habits that I've gained.
I weighed in this last Sunday (January 1st) at 211 pounds. My weight has been fluctuating like crazy since I stopped writing these blogs. I can't keep making these empty promises. I don't even know if I have anybody that reads this other than my family.

I'm limiting myself. One cup of coffee a day, if any at all. Everything else will be straight up water!
No more staying up late drinking. I need to get my sleep schedule back!
I broke my own rule and started to raid again. I've become addicted.

I've become a horrible, self-absorbed little brat. And that needs to change NOW!
I no longer have a huge Nalgene bottle, so I will make more runs for a refill, but there's nothing wrong with that!
I received many workout utensils for Christmas, I plan to put them to great use.

I do not plan to keep track of calories, I haven't for maybe a month now. I just need to keep track of how much water I'm drinking.

Considering I was checked out for the entire holiday season, I'm pretty darn proud of myself for only gaining two pounds! I mean let's face it, Thanksgiving is all about eating until you pop, and in this house Christmas and New Years Eve are exactly the same.

Every six months I usually measure myself, I completely forgot about it in December. Wish me luck on lower numbers!

Stay Healthy!
Duck on a Mission