Almost one month since I started Insanity.
I'm going to admit, I was lazy.
I was always pumped to do the workout but I would procrastinate and find other important things to do around the house.
In all, I got to day 5! I'm so disappointed in myself.
Some bad news;
Sunday morning, I was woken up by a sharp pain.
I've dealt with this pain all week until today. I went to the doctor, and after spending all day in the hospital, I need surgery!
I'll be keeping a low profile for the weekend, and come Monday April 30, I will be in surgery to remove my gal bladder.
If all goes well, I should be back within a few days. If not, could be a week or two until I'm up and jogging again.
Everyone keeps telling me to calm down, it's a simple procedure etc etc, but it's my first surgery, I'm allowed to be nervous.
Keep those feet moving,
Duck on a Mission