Just weighed in at 213.8
October 25th, I was 213 even.
So I suppose only .8 gained isn't as bad as it could have been.
I started to do a "Couch to 5k" program with my sister.
Got to day 3 of week 2 and then pulled a muscle in my back at work.
I was half-a**ing the jogs to begin with, but I was jogging longer than the day before.
Progress is progress, right?
In other news,
I had the Protein Poppers in the fridge for a while, but the taste while cold wasn't that great.
(plus i dislike cold on my teeth)
I sat them on the counter overnight and tried them again.
SO much better!
They went bad before I could finish them all :(
I'd like to make them again, but with those extra ingredients!
I'm thinking I will add some chocolate chips for added crunch.
Until next time,