Friday, March 30, 2012


3-26-2012, I weighed myself in at 205.
Today I did the fit test for Insanity.
For those of you that don't know, Insanity is a 60 day program designed to kick your butt!
Basically you're working out at full intensity with small breaks in between, instead of the typical low energy with bursts of high intensity.
After just doing the first day, I can already agree that Insanity really isn't for the weak of heart. You really need to dig deep if you want to see what you want.
With my asthma, today was difficult, but I'm willing to stick it out until the end.
I want to see how Insanity benefits me! (lol)

Insanity seems to be the perfect fit at the moment. In just about 2 months, everybody will be in their short shorts and tank tops. Why shouldn't I give this program a shot and join everybody else in the hot, humid weather!?

So here I go. Day one, 205 pounds.
[not an ideal picture, but you get the idea.. I'll get a better pic up soon.]
[taken 3-23-2012]