Thursday, November 10, 2011


I'm terribly sorry for this two month hiatus! I kept telling myself I would write as soon as I received a comment, not realizing that I had made a hair-brained mistake by leaving the comments set so they must be approved before I receive an e-mail about them. STUPID! I am here now though, I have still been keeping track of my calories, some days much worse than others but I'm only human.

Thank you to the Anonymous tipper in my last post. It really helped me realize how much I've been doing wrong. The site that I was trying out when I first started this "diet" was pretty much focused on how fast people could lose weight and said that I could get down to my goal weight in a matter of 6 months! I realize now, just how unhealthy that is. This weight has been put on over more than ten years, it shouldn't come off easily.

Last sunday, I weighed in at 209. I wasn't happy but I also wasn't surprised. I have slowly, over the past two months, shed the four pounds I had. Last week I was 209, this week I am the same. So there is something to celebrate, I didn't go back up!

My goal is now going to be 4 pounds bi-weekly! It's definitely do-able. :) At this point, I don't care how quickly I shed these pounds. I just care about getting healthy. I realize in this house it will be difficult, but that's life!

I will see you all in two weeks! Wish me luck!

Stay healthy,
Duck on a Mission

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Wow! It's been about a month and a half since I've updated everybody. I am so sorry! I had a bit of a fight with myself after the breakup, I stopped exercising and started eating whatever I wanted really. I still kept the habit of writing down what I ate along with how many calories it was.. sometimes if I didn't know what the calories were I would just guess. But at least I stayed with counting calories and water intake!

Since six weeks is a tad long for me to tell you all about the calories and water, I'll just say that I gained weight with the excessive eating but then I lost it and now am currently 213. I severely lost my motivation since everything started going downhill.

I am now thinking perhaps a weekly blog is just too much to handle. I will update bi-weekly. I will still keep track of my calories since that's the only thing I've gotten myself used to so far, I will not be posting every single day in a post though.

I've also been questioning if perhaps my weekly goal is too harsh. The closest I've ever gotten was 4 out of the 5 pounds. SO, I ask you as a reader, what do you think should be my bi-weekly goal?

My Pros and Cons lists aren't working to well anymore either, any ideas?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 3&4, 217.

Hello! Sorry about now posting last week. I had been so proud of myself for finally beating the dreaded number 220 that I sort of lost control of my eating. Week 3, I only lost one pound. I was terribly mortified. Week 4, when I checked, I had lost nothing. Thankfully I thought to check this morning and I had lost 2 pounds in one day, YAY! My water intake is still at least 8 glasses a day or more. I don't think my water has ever been the problem, it's all these delicious foods that I want to eat so badly. Seeing the rest of my family eat them just makes me want them even more.

The sad thing about Week 4, I worked out way more than usual, and yet hadn't lost anything. I hadn't gained either, on the bright side.

As I list my calories and water intake, I will put a 'W' standing for Workout Day.

Week 3
  • 7-31 : 2510, 12
  • 8-01 : 1479, 12
  • 8-02 : 1885, 10
  • 8-03 : 1895, 12 W
  • 8-04 : 2150, 9
  • 8-05 : 1670, 12 W
  • 8-06 : 1845, 8
 Week 4
  • 8-07 : 1180, 15
  • 8-08 : 1760, 10
  • 8-09 : 1451, 12 W
  • 8-10 : 1593, 10
  • 8-11 : 1480, 6
  • 8-12 : 2036, 14 W
  • 8-13 : 1240, 11 W
OK, so I only faltered once with my water intake. I was running around doing a lot of errands that day and ran out of water.

I have been continuing with the Ski Step as well as incorporating in some Pilates on other days. I am taking a rest today and going in full force tomorrow!

So far, I have missed 3 weeks of raiding. I am missing very valuable reputation grinding as well. This next week will make exactly one month! I didn't think I could go this long without raiding.

I REFUSE to eat more than 1600 calories a day!
I REFUSE to miss anymore raiding!!
I do NOT want to go to the doctor this week!

Yours Truly,
Duck on a Mission

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week 2, 219.

My first week of working out didn't go too well. I only exercised once the entire week, Sunday. It took me the rest of the week to even walk properly, I was aching more than I should have been. My caloric intake was also pretty high, but I blame that on breaking up with my boyfriend. I've been trying to stay on track with good eating habits, but sometimes the snacking got way out of control.

Eating problems or not, I lost 4 pounds. I know people are able to lose more than that in one week, but this is a big deal for me. I haven't been able to get below 220 for at least two years. I refuse to get a big head over this though.

This week I plan to workout more than once. I know not to push myself as hard as I did the first time now.
I will also restrict my eating even more! My 1400-1600 calorie diet obviously wasn't strict enough. I keep going either a  little bit under the max or way over. More focus on eating, less focus on water.

  • 7-24 : 1540, 13 glasses.
  • 7-25 : 1400+, 8 glasses.
  • 7-26 : 1705, 12 glasses.
  • 7-27 : 1515, 14 glasses.
  • 7-28 : 1450, 12 glasses.
  • 7-29 : 1830, 12 glasses.
  • 7-30 : 1400, 10 glasses.

During the course of the week, I figured that maybe 5 pounds is a tad too much. Sure I want to lose that much in a week, maybe even more, but since I screwed up working out only once the whole week I only lost 4. This hurts me to say, but I will not join my guild in the next two raids this week.

I WILL get my eating under control!
I WILL workout more than once a week!
I WILL lose this ugly flab!

Yours Truly,
Duck on a Mission

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 1, 223.


My name is Melissa, but you can call me Duck or Duckie if you want. I have struggled with my weight for the majority of my life. After trying just about all of the diets out there, I've decided that it can't be done without working out no matter how much they say you don't have to. I know that sounds pretty silly of me, but I was young and naïve. My highest weight was 240 pounds, I have managed to get down to 223 pounds on my own over the course of a year, but now I feel that I need some help.

I was searching for a decent workout program that didn't cost too much since I am currently jobless. I stumbled across Adrian Bryant is a very motivated man, sending out free DVDs for whoever may want them. He even pays the shipping! I thought this was too good to be true. I signed up for the free DVD and within a week later, it arrived in my mailbox on July 19, 2011. I decided to keep a little notebook as a journal to keep track of my feelings, thoughts, and how many calories I was eating along with how much water I was actually drinking. I wrote down a few reminders of how many calories I should have in how many meals and so on.

To see how much I was eating before I began the workout, I didn't change my diet for the first week. Some days I deprived myself and other days I pigged out, but I usually stayed inside the 1400-1600 daily calorie limit. For the sake of my dignity, I will not be posting exactly what I ate on what day, but I will be posting how many calories I've had and water intake for those days.

I just received Adrian Bryant's free DVD today. I currently weight 223.8 pounds. My goal is 130 pounds. I have surrounded myself with many pictures as thinspiration. I also plan to write down what I eat. Before I choose a diet plan, I would like to know how many calories I usually eat daily since I don't really eat too much."

For a flatter tummy, I need to drink 112 oz. of water every day. That's 14 glasses! Lucky for me, I have a huge Nalgene water bottle. It holds 32 oz. (4 glasses) It makes it easier to drink more because you don't have to continuously stop what you're doing to go get more water, and it's easy to carry around if you're on the run!

I will begin my workout-week on Sundays
and weigh myself weekly on Saturdays

  • If I do manage to lose 5 pounds in one week, I will search for that perfect outfit!
  • If I don't manage to lose 5 pounds in one week, I will cut out raiding for one week! (2 raids)
My goal is to eat Three 400 to 600 calorie meals (1400-1600 a day)
                               Don't forget that you need one source of carbs and one source of protein in every meal!

Now that I have set my standards, I will list the rest of the days of my caloric intake.

  • 7-20 : 1422, 8 glasses.
  • 7-21 : 1700+, 12 glasses.
  • 7-22 : 1450, 12 glasses.
  • 7-23 : 8 glasses. I was too depressed to count calories but I still watched what I ate.
Of course, today is Sunday 7-24. I began my workout today! I did the at home Ski Step. I am very sore after doing this in intervals for only half an hour. That's what I get for hardly ever working out though, right?

I am planning to take a "before" picture soon. I am determined to show Adrian Bryant how much he has helped me with my body!

Yours Truly,
Duck on a Mission