Eating problems or not, I lost 4 pounds. I know people are able to lose more than that in one week, but this is a big deal for me. I haven't been able to get below 220 for at least two years. I refuse to get a big head over this though.
This week I plan to workout more than once. I know not to push myself as hard as I did the first time now.
I will also restrict my eating even more! My 1400-1600 calorie diet obviously wasn't strict enough. I keep going either a little bit under the max or way over. More focus on eating, less focus on water.
- 7-24 : 1540, 13 glasses.
- 7-25 : 1400+, 8 glasses.
- 7-26 : 1705, 12 glasses.
- 7-27 : 1515, 14 glasses.
- 7-28 : 1450, 12 glasses.
- 7-29 : 1830, 12 glasses.
- 7-30 : 1400, 10 glasses.
During the course of the week, I figured that maybe 5 pounds is a tad too much. Sure I want to lose that much in a week, maybe even more, but since I screwed up working out only once the whole week I only lost 4. This hurts me to say, but I will not join my guild in the next two raids this week.
I WILL get my eating under control!
I WILL workout more than once a week!
I WILL lose this ugly flab!
Yours Truly,
Duck on a Mission
I am so proud! This brings tears to my eyes, as I have been praying for you in this endeavor. xoxo